Salutations to the departed with moist eyes !

The top of Indian bravery is bleeding. The devastation of a flying shell pierced the lap of Maa Bharati. This brutal orgy of death turned a dozen lions into yaadein in a moment.
This accident has filled the country with the feeling of being cheated. It seems that the trees which were being irrigated for the sunshine of the bravery, heroism were suddenly licked by the coldness of pus season. Those who had taken an oath to keep the country safe by risking their lives, those precious gem- lives were wasted without any reason. On whose shoulders we were sure of keeping the palanquin of the country's security, they suddenly rode on their shoulders.2
On the way, a crow devoured the pearls going to be devoted on the god. This incident has brought back the memory of Pulwama. Who is responsible for the security of those who are responsible for the security of the country - this question has again raised its face.

Rawat sir! Your salute is not being accepted. You have gone to heaven with the heroes and we stand swindled like living victors. A dozen more arrows have descended on Bhishma's tied body lying on the bed of problems. Veerprasuta Bharti's womb is never infertile, but whenever her son 'such' gets vanished in such type of incidents, her eyes definitely bursts with sorrow.

Salutations to the departed with moist eyes !


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